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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2018

October Guys I’ve Only met about 3 or 4 people that understand me everyone else assumes shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  October Guys I’ve Only met about 3 or 4 people that understand me everyone else assumes shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt We can't save every single living animal, just because some thinks it's cruel to slaughter them. Animal overpopulation can be just as much a threat as human overpopulation. Makes me feel sad. On a recent trip to and a boat trip on the beautiful red sea, spotting a Whale Shark, Giant sea turtle and many beautiful tropical fish and coral there were also lots of coke bottles and plastic bags floating around. Walking along the beach, my son and I picked up numerous plastic bags and bottles. I thought it was common sense to bin these items, but clearly many humans don't appreciate the impact these manmade items have on the sea creatures. Let this be an October Guys I’ve Only met about 3 or 4 ...

Bill Cosby: These Bitches Wanted and me shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Bill Cosby: These Bitches Wanted and me shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt And trump is cutting back on environment protection. Does that mean that all Trump supporters are disgusting humans The human race as custodians of our beautiful planet are failing big time, we should all pull together to ensure we do not ruin it for our future generations, take a look around the supermarkets see the amount of wasted packaging and plastics. note the addresses of firms involved complain to management and then write to the manufacturers name and shame each product on the social media until we make a difference. Wei Kit so sad to see this. Please people keep it clean, I will volunteer driving to help it clean and save the animals too, this will help too people actually want to Bill Cosby: These Bitches Wanted and me shirt ...

Monogrammed Coffee Lover shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Monogrammed Coffee Lover shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt We have Monogrammed Coffee Lover shirt so got to get to grips with all the pollution, but what on earth do you do with countries like Bali, it's staggering what their sea is like disgusting doesn't cover it. I do beach cleans and the plastic sticks from these are everywhere. I can't believe people would throw them down the toilet. Please stop buying the plastic ones and instead by the cardboard paper ones at least they will break down. We take our use of plastic so for granted. It will take huge individual changes to make a difference. I don’t use any more, one of the small steps towards change. And eating red meat is not necessary, can be found elsewhere. It’s just a habit. You are what you support. Since most comments here are saying humans are d...

Monogrammed Caffeine Queen shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Monogrammed Caffeine Queen shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt We felt the same when we went to see the Mandarin fish in Lembeh, Indonesia. such a beautiful fish living surrounded by trash, so bad because Indonesia has the most amazing muck diving in the world but yes you dive in plastic. Mendoza terribly sad. to imagine how much sea animal suffer because of human bein, all the trash that human beings throw to the oceans. but nature will show to us the effect. soon Seeing the seahorse holding on the garbage is horrendous. How can such a small innocent creature be trapped in this garbage filled ocean we created. The seahorse can only do best with what he has been given and that’s trash. So who throws their trash in the ocean. Not me, does my country. This should be shown to Monogrammed Caffeine Queen shirt  ...

Baby Octopus I love crafting shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Baby Octopus I love crafting shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt Bless people like Baby Octopus I love crafting shirt . It's amazing how we humans contaminate our planet. Instead of advertising products on tv or put on stupid illiterate programmes they should teach the people how to take care of our planet. Unfortunately think it's a lost cause. But keep up the good work and let's hope one day we can save this planet. Hope it's not too late already. I commented on an unrelated thread earlier and someone replied back trying to say what govt's job was. Something about unpaid internships being ok or not. Screw that. This is what govt's job is. To prevent crap like this from continuing. the extremely harmful impact humanity is having on the planet. Single use plastic and other avoidable trash needs to...

Brain Tumor and Brain cancer awareness shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Brain Tumor and Brain cancer awareness shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt This is Brain Tumor and Brain cancer awareness shirt  a strong and meaningful click. People will soon realize the atrocities they are committing on mother earth and gradually put an end to such activities. Some have already realized and are working hard to achieve a greener earth. The others will join them soon. Lets be Hopeful. Quite sick actually and Cotton bud vs. ocean cotton wool end maybe but definitely not the plastic that it is adhered to like a compost heap anywhere, if it composts down for the nutrients then so be it but the remainder, well that is human mistakes. I saw a dead turtle on Malakahana beach, Oahu, this weekend. It was so sad. It had fishing wire wrapped around it's neck and front flipper. The beach was littered...

Breast cancer: This is my fight, take back my life, prove I’m alright shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Breast cancer: This is my fight, take back my life, prove I’m alright shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt We are supposed to Breast cancer: This is my fight, take back my life, prove I’m alright shirt be the caretakers of the world.we must not throw our garbage anywhere esp in water if we could stop using plastics. Whatever the humans feel is just for some moment. After that the same old behaviour continues. When saving money for better future of the kids important for us but why cant we realise saving the nature is more important for our kids future. Only money cannot give happiness and the artificial comforts we are giving to our children is worthless when compared to a natural comforts given by the mother nature. We are all highly educated that's why we are civilised to destroy everything which we get from n...

Snoopy and Pumpkin hello fall shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Snoopy and Pumpkin hello fall shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt What fishes eat, we eat. What fishes swim in, we swim in it. What we destroy, we have to live in it. The sea is not a garbage bin, it is the living room and for others. You wouldn't want others to throw junk in you living room or among you kids room. Turn the Tide on Plastic. This is so heartbreaking. All the crap that humans create, waste and throw away is destroying what's left of the natural world. Here in is trying to build new facility to extract xylene, a Snoopy and Pumpkin hello fall shirt component for making If seahorse can literally share, contribute, by collecting, caring, preserving, our mother earth then perhaps its about time to act now' its a wake up call actually. The photo reminds us to be' part of the solution not add to p...

I’m that crazy girl who loves Mickey a lot shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  I’m that crazy girl who loves Mickey a lot shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt This is I’m that crazy girl who loves Mickey a lot shirt so good, what happened to the cotton buds that used to be made out of rolled paper. At least that was biodegradable, the governments should include sea pollution as well as air pollution in their talks. It makes me very sad that humans and big companies have no regard for the planet that provides us with life Cute, and sad. Only seen one seahorse in the sea, was amazing encounter and took me like 5 minutes to spot it after my friend kept pointing to it, it was surfacing, and we were fishing, amazing creature and so tiny, so fragile too, my advice to anyone, never try to touch it, you can easily squash it without even noticing you are. The photo beautifully reminds us that there ...

Don’t mess with mamasaurus autism you’ll get Jusasskicked shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Don’t mess with mamasaurus autism you’ll get Jusasskicked shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt And rubbish disposal that won't continue to ruin our Earth. Why can't they make cotton buds and many more products using paper or something her than plastic . We had paper straws when I was little or we drank out of a glass. This break my heart to know that our marine has to take care of water by clean up our mess. This seahorse is not just animal. This has beautiful soul like as we have. They are trying to educate humans to clean up their sea. Wake up. What are we doing to our world the only one we have. What will our future generations have to Don’t mess with mamasaurus autism you’ll get Jusasskicked shirt . What an inheritance. Out of sight out of mind. We are so consumed with our materialistic lives we don't care...

Pikachu Bulb O Lantern pumpkin shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Pikachu Bulb O Lantern pumpkin shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt I saw dolphins swimming through plastic and rubbish. Having traveled around the world, Indonesia had dirtiest beaches I’ve ever seen. Karen Wouldn't worry too much, the seahorses won't need anything to cling onto as they will soon be extinct due to Japanese and Korean obsession with making medicine out of them. This photo made me sad we cannot look after our planet and yet they want to explore other planets for possible life why so we can treat it like we do earth I hope we don't get to that stage as destroying one planet is enough. I love Pikachu Bulb O Lantern pumpkin shirt it's calling for our help. The oceans have been our garbage bin for far too long. Be proud to show others how to leave a place cleaner than you found it, and educate...

Duct tape it can’t fix stupid shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Duct tape it can’t fix stupid shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt So he happens to spot a perfectly clean cotton bud floating in the ocean with a sea horse attached. A cotton bud that went down and thru the sewer and the cotton ends are perfectly clean. I am for saving the environment but this picture was staged. It's Duct tape it can’t fix stupid shirt . people want to protect the earth yet ride around in boats that also pollute. However, people just are so thick and naive in regards to what actually happens in the world. Well that was a bit boring. I thought it was going to be something like this little sea horse was cleaning up debris or something cool. Not about the hippy diver who gets to swim all around the world taking photos and makes out were bad people for using too much plastic and eating too much mea...

Vintage Don’t mess with mamasaurus you’ll get Jurasskicked shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Vintage Don’t mess with mamasaurus you’ll get Jurasskicked shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt If products were priced according to their environmental cost we would use a lot less plastic. Andrew Rogers should get Vintage Don’t mess with mamasaurus you’ll get Jurasskicked shirt  and find that seahorse, then sue the photographer on the seahorses behalf for ownership of the photo, and infringement of the seahorses rights. Rosemarie Sweeney Blair Beautiful and sad at the same time. It's like the little guy was cleaning up the ocean all on his own. We need to educate our kid on what we have done to our planet cause it's there future that's at stake. Shocking and all avoidable. You should take photos in slaughter houses too. We are killing our planet through utter ignorance. I just cannot imagine why anyone wou...

Michael Myers I want to be a nice person but everyone is just so stupid shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Michael Myers I want to be a nice person but everyone is just so stupid shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt I hope the president will change his opinion on the problem of global warming, The loss of a car is very hard for those who live in Texas, because here it is necessary, This's just the beginning, can happen around the world, we need to save the planet. It's so good to see people who could helping those who needed help. Most people are basically good and kind. Negative qualities are learned and the result of not being able to cope with the adversities of life. I'm glad the Michael Myers I want to be a nice person but everyone is just so stupid shirt . Was nice to see someone flag down help, but was it for him or for a glorified story. Ten feet of water. Lot closer to two. 

Forknife Battle royale shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Forknife Battle royale shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt Because is only continent always supporting Europeans generally Americans are still Europeans who came to that land, to be honest it is a Forknife Battle royale shirt , that all this heavy things are happenings to destroy economic grand of United State.  Did he really think a modern semi would be able to traverse those floodwaters. He's watched too many videos of Argentinians with old school semis that had snorkels crossing rivers. New trucks get one little sensor failure and stall out also he don't have a snorkel. I don't run my semi in anything over the wheel hubs. People took this as a game and it is going to get worse because winter is coming

Grumpa saurus rex shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Grumpa saurus rex shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt When your dispatch doesn't care if there's a flood they just want the load delivered by a certain time, so many truckers would destroy their truck like this just to prove it to the boss. Look how much unity we display in time of crisis!!! The hell wrong with us in normal time. There's life after the flood, lets carry that same momentum forward. God bless you all. The govt knew what to do in this coaster areas in United state, it is Grumpa saurus rex shirt with natural disasters always happening, they will be poor, they tackle more the coaster areas to find solutions and save there economy otherwise someday they will ask Africa for help, 

Fitzmagic The chest hair is mine shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Fitzmagic The chest hair is mine shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt It's so great Fitzmagic The chest hair is mine shirt to see someone who's not just reporting, but truly assisting and making her efforts newsworthy. That's a good person right there. Why you only see the negative sides, like that, you will never see the beauty of what was happening, there was a white lady desperate to help a black man there is no discrimination. Come and see in India not only Africa and Europe people living. there is so many other country where thousands of people are dying because of flood but you guys only show Europe and Africa. Is a world class news channel every country people are watching, you guys must have enough capability show around the world.

I not retired I’m a professional Grandma shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  I not retired I’m a professional Grandma shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt He's got a police boat down the side of his lorry and she's like I not retired I’m a professional Grandma shirt , I can't tell you how worried I am for him, the water was non moving and he was 1 minute from being taken to safety. I applaud this young lady, I remember seeing her out there reporting before the hurricane and then again I see her doing her best to keep the driver calm and getting him help. I have a lot of family in Texas still and this is one reporter I would call family and who knows she might be like a 2nd cousin to me. So, proud of you young lady for your calmness in this whole ordeal. The amount of reporters who use a national tragedy to make money is unreal

Does more for others shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Does more for others shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt And the electricity goes out I have hurricane lamps to use for light I have a radio I can listen to for the weather and I also have Does more for others shirt and I also have an extra battery that's already charged and that's just for rainstorm I usually try and be prepared for anything that's coming my way and I also have food canned food. I also have a hand can opener to open the cans. And in my car I have a battery charger for the batteries and I have extra stuff in my vehicle as well. Love how he said thank you when she told him she had got some help, and then her being so over dramatic,

I was going to be a liberal for halloween but my head would not fit up my ass shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  I was going to be a liberal for halloween but my head would not fit up my ass shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt Hopefully this paves the way for more people to come together regardless of race or social status. I just love I was going to be a liberal for halloween but my head would not fit up my ass shirt togetherness it's so touching. Hopefully the situation will not happen again hopefully they'll be talking to all the right people to build some kind of a Waterway or something to take the water away or to hold the water until the other waters subside but they need to be prepared when a storm is coming you get prepared they didn't take heed of the weather coming. Like tomorrow we're supposed to have thunderstorms here I have an extra tank of oxygen I have a stove I can cook on I've drawn water alrea...

December woman the soul of a witch the fire of a lioness shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  December woman the soul of a witch the fire of a lioness shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt People effected in the areas hit by Hurricane Harvey, you are amazing, resilient, and kind to each other. First responders, everyday citizens, rescue teams have just stepped up to come together. God bless them. This speaks to how serious the situation in Texas and Louisiana is. Water all the way up to the bottom of the window on that truck. That reporter very likely saved that mans life. Way to go lady. I was almost to tears to see how hard she was trying to get someone to save this guy. I have December woman the soul of a witch the fire of a lioness shirt  now just thinking about how everybody has come together to help each other in Houston. 

Elephant sunflower in a world where you can be anything be kind shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Elephant sunflower in a world where you can be anything be kind shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt How he ended up in that water maybe I'm not seeing something but they couldn't pay me enough to Elephant sunflower in a world where you can be anything be kind shirt . Especially if I'm not familiar with the area and don't have an idea how deep the water is. Glad he came out of it okay. Could've been worse. What's the matter, truck driver make you mad before. Maybe one thought you were charging too much in the back row in the truckstop. Or your mamma run off with a trucker. Stop hating. What this video didn't tell you is that while this was going on, this reporter's news station was being evacuated due to flooding. She stayed on the air, out in the storm, until they finally lost signal. 

Adidas Jason Voorhees shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Adidas Jason Voorhees shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt They didn't believe the news media and the weather station told them that the mainstream media doesn't tell the truth and you only rely for the truth. Hi we are starting a prayer chain for all the people in Houston Texas please say a pray and pass it on to as many people as you can if you can't pass this on please let me know so the chain doesn't stop. Please just pass it on to Adidas Jason Voorhees shirt many as you can. This reporter is awesome. She got him help. People don't under stand flash flooding. It can happen in a matter of seconds you can be stranded and trapped. Everybody don't swim. I'm a driver and I can't figure out.

Sorry I am already taken by a sexy and crazy girl and she’ll punch you in the throat shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Sorry I am already taken by a sexy and crazy girl and she’ll punch you in the throat shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt I am a truck driver myself. He didn't have time to get to a safe haven these trucks don't start off like Sorry I am already taken by a sexy and crazy girl and she’ll punch you in the throat shirt . Once the water rose to a certain height he couldn't move the engine would allow him to. He was probably or lest but still if he had any weight in the trailer it still would been tough That weight and trying to push through rising waters the engine just won't do it. Mainstream news media helping people out can you believe it's true had the people believing that the mainstream media doesn't tell the truth Buy that type of talk no that's endangering the people today during the flood 

I say I’m from chicago but I actually live in a suburb 45 minutes away shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  I say I’m from chicago but I actually live in a suburb 45 minutes away shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt I understand sometimes sea life can get I say I’m from chicago but I actually live in a suburb 45 minutes away shirt , and there's debris and such you could seriously hurt yourself on. But couldn't he have just got out of the truck and swam to safety in that moment. Hell I'd have at least tried. I mean if the weather is safe enough, no downed power lines in the water etc, I'd toss some food out and see if anything nibbles at it. After trying things out if I felt I didn't have to worry about any animals I'd climb out and carefully avoid any underwater debris. I just couldn't let myself sit there waiting to be rescued. All of y'all bashing him needs to stop you need to educated. 

Snapcorn: Unicorn dabbing Snap-On shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Snapcorn: Unicorn dabbing Snap-On shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt Someone needs to find out how she got to Maryland. It's sad that the Democrats are actually praying and hoping that all of this is true. It's just sad that for their own political gain they hope a woman was raped or sexually assaulted rather than hoping and praying it didn't happen. This just shows you more proof of how classless Democrats have become.  If she wanted anonymity why did she lawyer up in August and take a  Snapcorn: Unicorn dabbing Snap-On shirt so-called lie detector test? Why in that test did her statement once again contradict her letter about how many were there? All three of these accusations are suspect and ridiculous. Someone is getting paid dearly for this sad and very dangerous waters we tread when a man is pro...

Hunter Guardian I’m coming home ace shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here : Hunter Guardian I’m coming home ace shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt Want to lose their mind over one death at the hands of an immigrant, but another white man kills multiple people and they just offer prayers and thoughts we have lots of guns, more than anyone and shocking we have a gun problem. Chuck Schumer, you and you kind have helped create a generation of disrespect in your quest to destroy America. What happened in Jacksonville. If the shooters were Muslims, we'll only hear about their religion social media. Would never report anything like that for fear of offending Muslims who want the rest of the  Hunter Guardian I’m coming home ace shirt world to adopt Sharia Law. Trying to be civil as there are many seats to be had. The sausage salesman speaks from his hot dog cart. Nobody cares what you have t...

This my hallmark Christmas movie watching shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  This my hallmark Christmas movie watching shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt I do believe there was someone else ahead of Mr. Schumer this time in the race to be caring and somehow involved for the future could you ask all of the celebrities and politicians who for some reason think it's important that we know that they care, oh so much, to post their heartfelt and deeply touching sentiments on one website, and we'll be sure to read them all maybe probably not. Given that every mass shooting has been committed by Democrats or Islamic terrorist perhaps the  This my hallmark Christmas movie watching shirt Democrats need to clean up their own house. Thank first responders and not whining about gun control. I'm sure you're drawing up a speech right now. What are you doing about the everyday killings by gang ...

Jason Voorhees: One you put my meat in your mouth you’re going to want to swallow shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here : Jason Voorhees: One you put my meat in your mouth you’re going to want to swallow shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt Schumer following McCain soon. As well as all older representatives who should have retired years ago. Look at Pelosi, waters. Al Sharpton etc. So many geriatrics in federal government lots of funerals in near future. extremely sad these things happen. Parents let’s get our kids off these machines we are not teaching them how to communicate with one another without a  Jason Voorhees: One you put my meat in your mouth you’re going to want to swallow shirt potential violence occurring!!! Please help our next generation cope with the ups and downs the kids are just expressing hate towards each other the way you and Republicans are doing destroying the country with our corrupt justice system, nobody f...

Indiana Jones Han Solo Carbonite shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Indiana Jones Han Solo Carbonite shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt Hey, Chuck you big phony, how many innocent people were shot this weekend in Chicago. Any deep touching thoughts or heartfelt messages about them. Any reason. Are they maybe different somehow? Or do you already have their votes and loyalty? Yeah, that's what we thought. Democrats never let a tragedy go to waste. He will be tweeting gun control tomorrow and the next and the  Indiana Jones Han Solo Carbonite shirt next. Fatal shootings in Jacksonville occur on an almost daily basis, is the rest of the Country not aware of this. Schumer following McCain soon. As well as all older representatives who should have retired years ago. Look at Pelosi, waters, Al Sharpton etc. So many geriatrics in federal government lots of funerals in near future....

Fitzmagic The Chest Hair Is Mine That’s All shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Fitzmagic The Chest Hair Is Mine That’s All shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt If you ever spend time in or around Jacksonville. and listen to the news, there's a shooting or drive by just about every day. There's a, a lot of gang activity there. It's becoming like Chicago. And this is the so-called young smart generation and was talking about with the David hogg anti-gun wingnut. They have been silent on the last two incidents in Iowa and New Mexico, so evidently, this one will fit their narrative. Here come the gun control cries. Never miss an opportunity for using a  Fitzmagic The Chest Hair Is Mine That’s All shirt tragedy for political attention. But in reality, we know Schumer could care less about the victims. He cares a much about the victims as he cares about the weekly killing spree in Chica...

Don’t mess with auntasaurus you’ll get Jurasskicked shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Don’t mess with auntasaurus you’ll get Jurasskicked shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt If white settlers hadn't invaded this country, he wouldn't have been here to commit this crime conservative logic lmao. We need government to implement stricter madden laws I wonder where he got his gun. Sounds like a great theory. This is a  Don’t mess with auntasaurus you’ll get Jurasskicked shirt tragedy of course, but what is the weekends total in Chicago. Celebrities act like this kind of shooting is worse than young black men killing each other in our big cities. Is it easier to blame them, and conservatives when it's a school, or mall, instead of a Southside neighborhood, where the media won't go? His age was originally reported as just under. Legal for him to own a handgun but I would definitely like to know hi...

Pitbull If you don’t believe they have souls you haven’t looked into their eyes long enough shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here : Pitbull If you don’t believe they have souls you haven’t looked into their eyes long enough shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt Then here's proof that Every since Columbine that mommies basement dwelling video game players are behind every school shooting to date. We need to ban all video games. Their violence is leaking everywhere from school shootings to riots and the coward Antifa terrorist attacks if we could just stop posting a  Pitbull If you don’t believe they have souls you haven’t looked into their eyes long enough shirt mass shooters face and name to help ratings that would be awesome. All this does is invite the idea that, If I do this, people will know my name. Never got spanking when he was a little monkey like I did this wouldn’t happen shame so many nonsense life’s lost and family hurt. If the...

Eleven stranger things shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Eleven stranger things shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt I hear this in military situations when a machine gunner is told that in an attack, if at all possible and even if he cannot see an enemy to fire back and forth as planned within his portion of enfilade coverage, and the next morning during daylight, corpses are stacked almost up to the muzzle of his machine gun. Most of us have only too recently come awake to the dangers in our country incrementing when false administrations of government forget the author of our founding and the blood of warriors, hoping their bodies will stem the  Eleven stranger things shirt flow of dangers to their families and comrades and fellow citizens, and they embark on agendas they think are right only to find death staring at them and the citizens they were sworn to pro...

Squad Magic Hocus Pocus shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Squad Magic Hocus Pocus shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt It is totally politically motivated and you have no interest in the facts either. No one should be assumed guilty until a proven innocent court of law or not. Just because this doesn't fit your agenda is not my problem. I wonder if she remembers that Senator Diane Feinstein had that letter and kept it quiet since July, and now after the hearings, the letter was brought out, talk about politically motivated, there you have it.  If the truth hurts lady. wear it. It is just a  Squad Magic Hocus Pocus shirt smear to keep Trump from getting things done. They do not care if it hurts an innocent man and his family. Think of that's man poor daughters. Democrats always putting their destructive spin on matters to get their way. Get out and vote the cor...

Night Of The Demons Shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Night Of The Demons Shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt This is the One World Order and Soros doing whatever they can to control our country. Wake up America before you lose everything. Guess who is Chelsea Clinton's father in law. George Soros. Think about how we averted a travesty with Hillary. This fiasco gives parents an opportunity to show their kids that what you do when you are young and stupid can affect your future. The drinking and party culture of both male and female schools is being hidden by those involved. They would like this to go away. The  Night Of The Demons Shirt prep boy boozers and party girls have to protect their current reputations. Especially if they have children. Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my ...

Clown Pitbull Halloween shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Clown Pitbull Halloween shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt Absolutely ridiculous and if this is true and disqualifies him then Clinton had years of the same behavior and became president. What a crock. Not sure why you are comparing kids in the church to this situation. She was a partying with minors her words attended parties where she knew gang rape was going on yet she kept going back and didn't ever speak of it until now. Not a  Clown Pitbull Halloween shirt great comparison so. But what you think doesn't matter it's what happened that does. And you were drunk and high and can't remember where u were and who was there. So how can you be sure it was the judge. She is one crazy person that needs to be on drugs. Or maybe it's the drugs talking.

Killshot Eminem You Done shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Killshot Eminem You Done shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt If you're raising a son to beware they will need a chaperone when every there in company with a female! So much for prom night. Waiting for some powerful women to start getting accused of sexual assault on men with absolutely no evidence, and watch their careers and lives fall apart based on no more then some dudes word it happened.  It's so important to our country Brett Kavanaugh be confirmed to the  Killshot Eminem You Done shirt Supreme Court. If he's not our whole judicial system will be in shambles. And the Democrats will be responsible for ruining it. It's hard for me to believe this is not all bought and paid for by anti-Trump libs. If this happened these women should have said something years ago - danged if I would have waited all t...

Real women marry asshole shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Real women marry asshole shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt One loves Real women marry asshole shirt . The best thing to give young children is educational toys and books, bricks and Lego, games, and items that will get their brains working whatever sex they are. It is also practical to dress them in Romper Suits whatever colour you want. All my kids are brilliant at technology, prolific readers, good at math and science, all due to letting them use their brains from an early age. One of the boys was reading newspaper headlines by the age of three. When they're too young to tell you what they like whatever, it's when they're older and they ask for one thing and you tell them that's for the opposite gender that I get peeved. 

Fuck me I need a beer shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  Fuck me I need a beer shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt Kids just want to play. Growing up I always liked being a girl because I never saw it as girl vs boys toys, I thought of it as having both sides of the store. I got extra, I never felt I couldn't have the boys stuff. Also with my kids I've tried to keep trying till I find what my kid wants. My daughter was doing 100 piece puzzles by 4. For people who understand the basic gender facts can make it more complicated and make more harder for the next generation to live. I gave both trucks, and Fuck me I need a beer shirt , construction blocks and kitchen tools. They all naturally gravitated toward dolls, books, toy ovens. My daughters both wore diapers and neutral colored T shirts for their first year. 

I love you mom you’re the most beautiful caring person on earth shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  I love you mom you’re the most beautiful caring person on earth shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt His favorite is I love you mom you’re the most beautiful caring person on earth shirt , he wants a pink truck for his birthday, because cars are his favorite toy. He pushes his stuffed Ninja Turtle around in a pink stroller. While he'll play with girl toys, he has naturally gravitated towards boy toys. Although, if we got him a Barbie, I'm sure he'd love it just as much as his Spider Man toy. He'd think it was an action figure. I think it takes a lot more than toys to hinder a child. I've seen parents who so badly want their kid to break out of gender roles deny their kids things that the child genuinely wanted, because my daughter doesn't watch princess shows, or my boy won't be playing with ca...

November girl I’m hard headed not hard hearted shirt

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This is the official design. Available for a T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You ca n buy it here :  November girl I’m hard headed not hard hearted shirt From:  Shop Trending T-shirt Yes, of course most people do it from birth, even down to the clothes they dress a newborn in. It's harmless enough though, so long as a child is getting the opportunity to experience a broad variety of things, and that those experiences are not limited by gender. Can we sort out the middle east first before we start on gender issues, also before a few years ago gender wasn't an issue, so why is now. Which one is more stereotypic. Identifying a gender by body features. or thinking that a certain toy is for a certain gender. My son loves November girl I’m hard headed not hard hearted shirt . M y parents got me the toys they knew I'd like, which included cars, dinosaurs, bugs, ect.